Community Benefits


Realising the opportunity for Colbinabbin:

The Cooba Solar Project has committed to an annual Community Benefit Fund (CBF) of $200,000 per year. This equates to $6M over the 30-year operational life of the project.

Monies accumulated through the CBF will directly fund local community projects or infrastructure and the fund will be managed by a steering committee made up of local community members. The CBF is designed to evolve with the community over time, in order to deliver positive social, economic, and environmental outcomes. 

Venn Energy is also committed to sourcing goods and services from the local region as much as possible, to ensure the Cooba Solar Farm is an active and positive part of the local community.

We are committed to ensuring the economic benefits of the project are shared with the wider Colbinabbin community in a meaningful and lasting way. Investing in local projects and initiatives that help create a sustainable and growing community is a priority for the Cooba Solar Project team.

The establishment of the CBF will guarantee long-term financial support for the wider Colbinabbin region and ensure future growth and progression. The structure and governance of the CBF will be developed through cooperation and consultation with the local community. It is intended that the fund will be established and administered by an independently governed community-led committee with direct input into the allocation of funds across the various priority initiatives, programs, and projects. This can be facilitated through a purpose-made organisation, an existing trusted community charity or foundation, a community board, or a community committee working in partnership with Venn Energy.

Venn Energy welcomes feedback from the community on the proposed CBF. If you would like to find out how you could be a part of the CBF’s steering committee or provide suggestions and feedback, please fill out the contact form below.

The initial guiding principles of the fund are:

Empowerment – such that the Colbinabbin community may be empowered with the resources, support, and authority to address the issues of greatest importance and direct local benefit.

Resilience – funding initiatives that build resilience within the community and its environment.

Alignment – ensuring funding is mutually beneficial, aligned with existing programs and initiatives in the community, and in collaboration with Council, local institutions, and authorities.

Funding may include initiatives that support health and wellbeing, local skills development and training, education, population growth and retention, economic development, and sustainability of the natural environment, among others.

Venn Energy’s intention is that the community benefit fund will support and further strengthen the positive legacy of the Colbinabbin community.

Indirect Initiatives to enhance support of Local Economy

As well as the direct benefits from a Community Benefit Fund, the Cooba Solar Project will deliver a number of positive socio-economic benefits including increased employment opportunities. Approximately 250 direct jobs will be generated on the project during construction, and six full-time jobs during operation. These employment opportunities or procurement of goods and services from local businesses may include:

  • Construction Trades and Labour Hire
  • Concrete and Raw Material Supply
  • Landscaping Services
  • Surveyors
  • Cleaning Services
  • Security Services
  • Training Service Providers
  • Building Providers (Temporary and Permanent)
  • Waste Contractors
  • Accommodation and Hospitality Service Providers
  • Machinery Hire