notice period

public notice period

The Cooba Solar Project planning permit application was on public notice from 19 November until 18 December 2024. A second public notice period was held between 15 January and 29 January 2025.

The second notice period was due to an incidental error in the Form 2 notice for planning application PA2403122 regarding the GPO Box Number. The Department of Transport and Planning apologised for the error.

You can view all the planning permit application documents on the Ministerial Permits Register.


We have prepared an information booklet summarising the planning permit application and technical reports.

The planning permit application is a robust and comprehensive process that incorporates a diverse range of analysis and input from technical and scientific experts.

The summary booklet provides a high-level overview of key parts of the planning permit application. It includes an overview of the project, a summary of the key specialist studies undertaken to inform the application and an overview of additional activities and processes undertaken as part of the project’s development.


During the initial notice period, we hosted two online webinars on 2 and 3 December 2024 with the experts who prepared the specialist reports for the planning application. The specialists presented a summary of their findings as well as answered questions from attendees. 

Webinar 1 agenda

Landscape and visual impact assessment – Orbit Solutions

Noise – ADP Consulting

Webinar 2 agenda

Agricultural impact assessment – Meridian Agriculture

Fire risk assessment – Fire Risk Consulting

Traffic assessment – Impact Engineering Australia

Aviation glint and glare – Chiron Aviation


These recordings must only be shared in their entirety to preserve the context and integrity of the information provided.