Cooba Solar Project

Find out more about the project details and Frequently Asked Questions for the Cooba Solar Project below.

Project details

Cooba’s positive impact for generations to come.
Site Selection
Preliminary Assessment & Site Design
Planning Application
Development Approval
Grid Connection Agreement
Figure 1: Context plan of the project

Project Overview

Venn Energy is developing the Cooba Solar Project in Colbinabbin, Central Victoria. The proposed development will include a solar farm plus Battery Energy Storage System (BESS), which will occupy 665 hectares of a 1,147 hectare site. This project will have a capacity of up to 500MW and BESS capacity up to 300MW, with the potential to generate enough clean renewable energy to power 180,000 Victorian homes.

The Cooba Solar Project is expected to be operational from mid-2026 with a 30-year project life. The project is set to generate many environmental advantages and build a more sustainable future for the area. It will also create many social and economic benefits to the local community and surrounding areas.

The project is currently in the planning stage, with the planning permit application lodged with the Victorian Department of Transport and Planning (DTP), on behalf of the Minister for Planning, in August 2023. Construction is expected to take approximately 12-18 months, once planning and grid connection approvals are received.

Members of the community will have an opportunity to provide feedback on the project to the DTP, as part of the approvals process.

Frequently Asked Questions

Venn Energy is an Australian renewable energy development company, founded by Canadian renewable energy developer Venn Energy Inc., and Aira Group, an owner operator of renewable energy projects in Turkey and Europe.

Banksia Solar Project in QLD was the company’s first development asset in Australia.

The Banksia Solar Project was started in June 2019 and received development approval from the Bundaberg Regional Council in January 2021 and grid connection approval in June 2023. It is expected to begin construction in 2024.

Solar farms consist of a series of photovoltaic panels arranged in a ‘solar array’. These panels convert sunlight to electricity, with the generated direct current (DC) moving through cables to inverters. Inverters convert (DC) to usable alternating current (AC), which flows into an existing high-voltage transmission line that runs through the site.

The Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) will provide reliable and efficient energy by stabilising the grid and shifting the supply of electricity from times of high supply and low demand to times of low supply and high demand.

The site for the Cooba Solar Project is 124 Cornella Church Road and Plain Road, Colbinabbin, located approximately 40 kilometres east of Bendigo and four kilometres south of Colbinabbin in central Victoria (see Figure 1).

The site is located within the Campaspe local government area. The wider site is approximately 1147 hectares of mostly cleared farmland, with solar farm infrastructure occupying 665 hectares of the site. The land is owned by a single landowner and, has been secured through an option to lease.

Once the project is approved it is expected to be operational from 2027 with a 30-year project life.

The greatest challenge for selecting where to develop new solar farms is identifying areas within the electricity grid with available capacity to connect. Once an area of the grid has been identified with capacity, planning experts assess the viability of the area based on various opportunities and constraints such as ecology, transport arrangements, landscape value, cultural heritage significance, agricultural land value, hazards, amenity impacts, etc.

Venn Energy has chosen the proposed site as an ideal place for a solar farm for the following reasons:

  • The site is in an area of excellent solar exposure.
  • The site is near an existing transmission line, allowing for easy connectivity to the grid.
  • The site has already been largely cleared of native vegetation and heavily disturbed by previous cultivation and cropping.
  • The proposed layout allows for the minimal disturbance of native vegetation and wildlife.

The proposed solar farm has a capacity of up to 350-megawatt (MW) AC/500MW DC solar energy facility and 300MW/1,200MWh battery energy storage system (BESS). The latest technology in solar photovoltaic (PV) panels are proposed. These panels are mounted on a single axis tracker that changes orientation throughout the day to follow the sun and maximise energy captured.

This project has the potential to generate enough clean renewable energy to:

  • Power 180,000 Victorian homes.
  • Avoid the generation of 733,333 tonnes per year of carbon dioxide (CO2).
  • Remove the equivalent of 159,429 vehicles off the road per year.
  • Remove the equivalent of 303,030 tonnes per year of coal burned.

Venn Energy are committed to ensuring the economic benefits of the project are shared with the wider Colbinabbin community in a meaningful and lasting way.

In this respect, Venn Energy is committed to establishing a Community Benefit Fund with annual contribution from the Cooba Solar Project of $200,000 per year, throughout the operational life of the project.

This program will be designed to evolve with the community over time, in order to deliver positive social, economic, and environmental outcomes.

The structure and governance of the community benefit fund will be developed through cooperation and consultation with the local community. It is intended that the fund will be established and administered by a community-led committee with direct input into the allocation of funds across the various priority initiatives, programs, and projects throughout the community.

The initial guiding principles of the fund are:

Empowerment – such that the Colbinabbin community may be empowered with the resources, support, and authority to address the issues of greatest importance and direct local benefit.

Resilience – funding initiatives that build resilience within the community and its environment.

Alignment – ensuring funding is mutually beneficial, aligned with existing programs and initiatives in the community, and in collaboration with Council, local institutions, and authorities.

Funding may include initiatives that support health and wellbeing, local skills development and training, education, population growth and retention, economic development, and sustainability of the natural environment, among others.

Venn Energy’s intention is that the community benefit fund will support and further strengthen the positive legacy of the Colbinabbin community.

As we advance consultation with the community for establishing the community benefit sharing fund, we encourage any individuals with interest in participating in a community reference group to contact us via the contact form, email, or by phone.

Solar farms, such as the proposed Cooba Solar Project, can have several direct and in-direct economic benefits for a local community including:

  •  Local employment opportunities for up to 250 employees and contractors during the construction phase, and up to 6 permanent positions for the ongoing operation and maintenance of the site, with further contractor opportunities available.
  • Procurement of goods and services from local businesses for accommodation, meals, machinery contractors, construction trades, surveyors, cleaning services, security services, training service providers, building supplies, and waste contractors.
  • A Community benefit sharing program to provide the resources and empowerment to the local community to fund various priority initiatives and
    projects throughout the life of the project.
  • Reducing the cost of electricity for consumers in comparison to traditional fossil fuel-based energy sources.

Venn Energy is committed to ensuring the immediate neighbours of the Cooba Solar Project share directly in the economic benefits of the project. VA Group are proposing an industry-leading neighbour benefit sharing program for the project in the form of an annual subsidy to each neighbour with a habitable dwelling within 1km of the project site. These annual neighbour benefit subsidies will be paid to the owner(s) of each property annually, throughout the operational life of the project. The criteria used for sizing each subsidy is based on the proximity of neighbours to the proposed project area, and view of the project site. Additional non-financial benefits may be offered to neighbours as part of the program, including on-site landscaping or tree planting.

Venn Energy has been in communication with neighbours of the proposed project prior to lodgement of the planning application and will continue to be in close communication throughout the planning process.

The project is currently in the planning stage, with detailed assessments and design currently being undertaken. The planning permit application was lodged with the Victorian Department of Transport and Planning (DTP), on behalf of the Minister for Planning, in August 2023. Construction is expected to take approximately 12-18 months, commencing in late 2024, once planning and grid connection approvals are received.

Members of the community will have the opportunity to provide their feedback on the project to the DTP throughout the approvals process.

Now the permit application has been lodged with DTP, they will undertake a review of the submitted materials to ensure all required information has been provided, before referring the application to relevant referral authorities for their comments.

Statutory notice of the application will be given when all required information has been provided.

The usual notice requirement is via a letter to the owners and occupiers of land within at least 1km of the project. A notice may also be published in a local newspaper as well as a sign or signs erected at the site. During this time, we will also provide access to application documents directly on this website.

The notice period is typically between two and four weeks. However, submissions can be made to DTP up until the time that a decision is made on the application.

Once the notice period is complete, DTP officers can undertake their detailed assessment of the application.

Venn Energy will be update the community on when the project’s notice period commences. Members of the public can then provide their feedback on the project to DTP.

A decision on an application is usually made within 6-8 months of lodgement.

More detailed information on the planning permit process can be found on the Victorian State Government’s Department of Transport and Planning website.

The Victorian Government’s Solar Energy Facilities: Design and Development Guideline (October 2022) states that a project should manage noise impacts in accordance with the Environmental Protection regulations under the Environmental Protection Act 2017.

Venn Energy has commissioned a Noise Impact Assessment to understand the project’s noise impacts. The assessment has found that operational noise levels are predicted to comply with noise limits and the project will continue to do so throughout the operational phase.

The visual impact assessment for the project has been conducted by a suitably qualified and experienced team, in accordance with best practice.

When evaluating the visual impact of the project, the following factors at each Key Observation Point are assessed:

Visual Character Units

• Shows the position and coverage of the existing view and the proposed project overlaid to highlight any potential changes in land form, water, vegetation and structure.

Visual Situation

• Determined by averaging ratings for distance, visual magnitude, slope, influence of adjacent scenery, frequency, duration and lighting of the project.

Degree of Contrast

• Individually rates each of the Critical Visual Influences of colour, texture, scale, line, Form/Shape, spatial character to assess the proposal’s visual impact on landscape.

Construction is proposed to commence in late 2024, if the planning and grid connection approvals are received, negotiation of a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) is finalised, and the financial close process is completed.

• Construction would take approximately 12-18 months.
• Any works will occur within normal working hours (weekdays from 7AM to 6PM and Saturday 7am to 1pm, with no work on Sundays or public holidays).
• Should works need to be done outside of these times, Environment Protection Authority (EPA) Victoria guidelines will be followed.

  • Avoid or minimise ground disturbance, soil movement and other dust producing activities.
  • Utilise water or wetting agent on any exposed areas, including unpaved roads and lay down areas.
  • Utilise wind breaks and silt fencing.
  • Conduct flexible management of speed limits in accordance with road and wind conditions.
  • The preparation of a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) would be a condition of any planning permit that may be issued, and would include measures to manage construction activities and potential impacts.
  • Site Access locations have been proposed along Cornella-Church Road, Myola Road, Plain Road and Davey Road with access to these locations afforded from Heathcote-Rochester Road.
  • A total of up to 200 (two way) additional daily vehicle movements are expected during the peak construction activities.
  • An agreement will be implemented, with the local Council, to guide construction standards and maintenance during the construction period.
  • Venn Energy and their project manager will ensure that requirements are closely followed, and that any construction is considerate of road users, stakeholders, and the community.
  • A detailed Traffic Management Plan (TMP) will be prepared once the project design is complete and prior to commencement of the project construction. The TMP will outline various traffic requirements to mitigate and manage the construction period.

Yes. It is proposed that panel arrays will be spaced 8 – 10 metres apart, providing adequate space for the land to be used for agricultural purposes, such as sheep grazing. Livestock grazing has become a widespread practice in conjunction with renewable energy developments; this practice is known as agrophotovoltaics.

Not only do livestock thrive but they also assist in maintenance of the project site, keeping vegetation low and assisting with weed management.

The project will follow the guidance and direction provided by the Country Fire Authority’s Design Guidelines and Model Requirements which include: Renewable Energy Facilities, including fire risk management, facility design and location, construction and commissioning, operation, fire management planning, emergency management planning, and bushfire emergency planning.

All cables and materials to be used will be fire and heat resistant and fire breaks will be established around the perimeter of the project and surrounding boundaries. Monitoring and alarm systems built at the site will also alert if any high heat is detected in any components of the solar arrays and BESS.

Many studies have been undertaken across Australia and internationally regarding the impact of solar farms and other renewable energy projects on the value of surrounding properties. The consensus is that solar farms are not known to impact surrounding property values positively or negatively.

Venn Energy acknowledges that the primary asset for most families is their home and property. The visual impact of the project will be managed through vegetative screening, where possible, in consultation with those neighbours.

Yes. The project has undertaken a Standard Assessment and testing is underway to complete the Complex Assessment phase. Upon completion of the Complex Assessment stage a Cultural Heritage Management Plan will be completed and submitted for approval to the Registered Aboriginal Party. The Cultural Heritage Management Plan will assess the potential impact of the project on any sites of cultural significance and provide a detailed management plan should any cultural artefacts be identified during construction.

Research carried out by Dr Barron-Gafford et al (2016) in Arizona has been referred to in relation to the potential for solar projects to generate a ‘heat island effect’. This research submitted that solar projects could increase temperatures by three to four degrees Celsius and could adversely impact on surrounding agricultural production.

A subsequent report, prepared in 2018 by experts including Dr Barron Gaffard to provide additional information in relation to the heat island effect, concluded the following:

  • Within the perimeter of a solar array:  Air temperature within the perimeter of a PV (solar) array is expected to increase three to four degrees Celsius compared to outside the solar array. However, the temperature quickly reduces with height and can be managed.
  • Outside the solar array perimeter: Temperatures dissipate quickly with height above the solar panels as the thermal energy radiates back towards the atmosphere. Barron-Gafford showed results that any spatial extent of the heat island effect has completely dissipated at 30 metres.

In summary, because the solar panels themselves trap the energy from diffuse sunlight that is able to reach the ground underneath them, air temperatures remain elevated within a PV array. Outside of this “overstorey” of PV arrays, energy is able to radiate back towards the atmosphere, as it does in a natural setting, and the heat island effect quickly dissipates.  

Of particular importance is the fact that Barron-Gafford noted that the initial research in which he found the presence of a heat island effect was on a solar project site where all understorey vegetation was removed from underneath the solar panels, and the heat island effect was largely driven by the absence of vegetation and the vegetation’s potential to cool the atmosphere through transpirational water loss. His own later research on adding grasses back into a solar project site showed the impacts of grasses on reducing the heat island effect within a solar array.


The Cooba Solar Project does not propose to remove the understorey vegetation/grasses below the proposed solar arrays, such that the heat island effect within the project footprint would be minimised based on these site conditions only.

You can read more here

A core principle of Venn Energy is that our projects shall always be developed and operated responsibly and ethically, and in alignment with the community and natural environment. Our industry-leading decommissioning regime is consistent with that principle, and our commitment to responsible stewardship for generations.

The project owner is obligated to fully decommission the project at the end of its lifecycle and return the land to its original condition. To provide further assurance of our commitment to this obligation, the developer has put in place a decommissioning regime based on leading best practices across our industry.

This includes a decommissioning fund that will be funded by the project during its operational life, according to the results of a third-party independent assessment of the expected decommissioning costs at the time. The fund will be accessible by the host landowner to decommission the project if for any reason the project owner fails to perform any of its duties for decommissioning of the project.

The decommissioning regime does not release the project owner from its obligations to decommission the project at the end of its life. Rather it provides further assurance that the project owner fulfills this obligation, and moreover it provides peace of mind to the host landowner and the surrounding community that they will never bear the cost of decommissioning the project at the end of its lifecycle.

Advancements in recycling methods and technology have provided innovative ways to recycle a majority of the parts of large-scale solar energy systems today. We fully expect these recycling advancements to continue to improve over the coming years and decades, with innovative new ways to recycle the valuable materials in these systems, at a reduced cost. We will always prioritize recycling wherever possible and remain committed to low-impact sustainable development, in line with our core environmental value.

We have received advice from top tier firms in the insurance industry on this matter in order to address this question. This advice is summarised below.

Damage that occurs to the project which originates from a neighbouring farming operation would be dealt with within the project’s insurance policy. In the event that the damage is the result of a landowner’s negligence, if the project’s insurance makes a claim against the neighbour’s insurance, the claim would never exceed the cover amount of the neighbour’s public liability policy. The majority of farming operations are insured for $20 million of public liability.

 It is noted that if there is no negligence, the adjoining landowner’s insurance is not triggered. For example, if a lightning strike causes a fire to start on a neighbouring property and this spreads and causes damage to the project, this would be treated as a property damage claim caused by an insurable peril event (i.e. lightning), thus the adjoining landowner would not be liable for any damage caused.  

 There is therefore no expectation for neighbouring landowners to increase the cover amount of their public liability insurance as a result of the construction of a renewable energy development on a neighbouring property. It is however expected that the neighbour would carry the standard $20 million public liability insurance as part of their overall farming operations insurance package.

This situation can be compared to the presence of a café at the foot of a high-rise building. While the café would have adequate public liability insurance, it is not expected that their public liability policy cover the value of the entire high-rise building.